Joseph Aloi (JK5)

Closest Zencounters of the JK5th Kind (Skull 2), 2013
21 x 15 inches
Variable edition of 20

Skull, 2014
21 x 15 inches
Variable edition of 20

Rizzoli Book Cover, 2014
An Archive of Sketches, Tattoos, Drawings, Paintings, and Objects.
Written by Joseph Ari Aloi

Joseph originally conceived of this group of skulls as a group of 4. So far 3 have been editioned, all of which were made in the same way. Joseph's original sketch would be scanned and scaled up to fit on a half sheet of standard printmaking paper. We mixed 5-7 colors for each image, and we ran 25 sheets of paper for each image, with Joseph dictating where and when the ink would be incorporated. We achieved some great blends. One of the prints was used for the cover of his book with Rizzoli.